Lagniappe Links April 17, 2018
Here's some stuff that I've found on my travels around the internet this week:
"Free-range parenting" has become more popular among middle-class families, but poor families come under scrutiny for the same kinds of parenting. It seems like a double standard is in place.
A good story about the Dickey Amendment, the reason why the CDC can't do real research about gun violence.
The story of the Roma, the "gypsies", the most discriminated group in Europe.
Liberty University refused to allow the student newspaper to cover the Red Letter Christians' revival last week.
There's a White House Bible Study. It's very evangelical and very conservative.
Republicans and Muslim-bashing. It's not good.
I don't often post stuff from People magazine, but this article about Mariah Carey and her issues with bipolar disorder is excellent.
This was Dr. Dobson in 1998. What a difference a couple of decades makes.
Brazil claims that this pastor is a fraud and fleeces his "congregation" and commune.
What do you think? Don't be afraid to comment!